Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New year, new challanges

As you all know now, the world did not end, so we have to face a new year with new challenges and goals.

This new year seems to be full of activities, normally the year starts kind of slow on Panama, main reason it is summer, so schools are vacations, universities activities are off and communities do not meet as often. But this year we are getting to a really good start:

The first event of the year is the Fedora Release Party, to be at the community center, on Jan 12, 2013.

Trisfera group has already announce their summer camp if you are new to coding or want to learn web and gaming coding join this group and learn it is free.

UTP university will host the hackaton again domestic violence so if you like to collaborate with code for a social cause, please join us we will be there.

Floss-pa community has a schedule off all workshops to be held this summer, please join us learn and share.

Please remember the Flisol 2012, well get ready for Flisol 2013.

Have a great 2013, please keep in touch and participate with all this events.

En Español aquí

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